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Digitalisation – Challenges and Opportunities in Academic Teaching

SAN „Digitalisation“ (c) Christina A. Anders

„Digitalisation – Challenges and Opportunities in Academic Teaching“. Scientific Area Network (SAN) „Change Through Digitalisation“ // Dresden // 6 June 2018.

If we talk about digitalisation or digitization – what does this mean? Digitization means the process of converting a physical or analog information into a digital one. On the other hand digitalisation means the process in which digitization is changing our way of working and our social interaction.

Alexander Lasch would like to talk about three challenges for academic teaching and research, seven principles that should guide us trough the process of digitalisation and two examples: „Digital Herrnhut“ and „Barrier-free or accessible Communication“.

Presentation (*.pdf)

A summary by Sarah Schückel of some of the GSW presentations can be read here.


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